Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Got to admit Richard Branson is a dirty bastard:

But they do a good ad. Click on the picture to look at this one for the 25th anniversary of Virgin Atlantic:


Jayne said...

LOL The airline is older than the girl he's feeling up :P

dam buster said...

I think you might be correct!

At grodscorp they had a caption competition for the picture.

He looks like a dirty old bugger in the pic. But hey if i was worth what he is...

Jayne said...'d never know if the chicks loved you for your witty humour or how many botox parties you could host :P

dam buster said...

Gee for a few of his million I would put on the red bikini and let him go the grope too

Jayne said...

I almost choked on the celery stick I was chomping on then with the mental imagery!

dam buster said...

well ok.. a mankini instead.. go up to him Borat style "you liiiikkkeee?"

Jayne said...

Stop the bad man mummy, he's giving me nightmares ! LOL

dam buster said...

Oh c'mon Jayne.. Can't you see Richard and myself running around naked with the big black dildo??

Jayne said...


WV = dical
Blogger is officially laughing at me now.