Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Concert at the G on 14th March

A lot of people and a lot of different groups have done their bit for the bushfire appeal. I think the concert athe MCG on the 14th of March could be huge.

Last time I cheered a funny looking bald guy there was in about 1995 when Mil Hanna was playing for Carlton. I am very much looking forward to the Federal Environment Minister belting out some classics with Midnight Oil.


Jayne said...

It's a pretty amazing line-up (with a few exceptions). It certainly will be strange seeing a Federal pollie belting out some tunes and "dancing" on stage (though hopefully not as cringeworthy as Peter Costello doing the lambada or whatever on telly with KAK).

dam buster said...

Surely will be a big line up.

I went and watched Ghost Riders a few months ago which includes a couple of the oils line up plus one or two from others in the other bands.

Jayne said...

Several years ago Garrett lined up with the Oils for Wave Aid Concert and his voice was shot.
I'm a fan from 20-something yrs ago and it's just.not.right.

dam buster said...

Jayne - I am a big fan from years ago too. I hope his voice holds up for it as it will be awesome if they go off!