Wednesday, April 28, 2010

$3 a Copy Must Have Been Cheap Enough

Herald-Sun typist Andrew "Don't Call me Right Wing" Bolt today stated his book 'still not sorry' is now Sold Out.

I have a signed copy of my sold-out book Still Not Sorry that I shall give away to anyone who rings me on talback tomorrow and mentions this offer.

Huh? Last time I saw it was in Dirt Cheap Books at $3 a copy. Oh how I wish I had a photo of it on the stalls. It is not sold out, it is out of print and being hacked off for pulp.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Some days you are the Statue, some days you are the Pigeon

Karma is a bitch. But sometimes that bitch can take a step back and let this little freckled duck have a win for a change.

The other day I was parking the rust heap at work when I thought I saw something in the gutter.

Was it rubbish? no
Was it a discarded porn mag that the truck drivers in the area are fond of? no
Was it a Melbourne Storm membership card? no

It was:

Huzzah! The Milky bars are on Me!!

I only hope the note fell from the pocket of some dodgy melbourne Storm Official.

Monday, April 19, 2010


It shits me. Why is it that Paypal and Ebay have different currency conversion rates when they are owned by the same company?

Here is an example. A certain item being sold overseas in US dollars will be:

OK, so it will cost $8.61.. So log into Paypal and pay:

Hang on a minute, now it costs $8.82.

That equates to about 2.5% additional margin that ebay makes by falsely advertising the price of items. Of course you add to this the profit they make on advertising items and the seriously high paypal fees to both be paid and to get your money out.

If I said to you that something was worth $10 you would expect to pay $10, not $10.25.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Knackers Rating - Abbotsford Pub Crawl

On the weekend I was lucky enough to venture out with a fine group of (cough) gentlemen for a nice afternoon of conversation and beer (not necessarily in that order).

After meeting at Victoria Park on a Joffa spotting expidition, which sadly we failed in finding the man, the group hit the side walks and visited a few local historically significant establishments.

Along the way we pubs including :

The Yarra Hotel

The Retreat

The Park

For those interested the Retreat is the location of many scenes from the television series "The Sullivans" and it still is largely the same as then in an original condition. It is what pubs used to be really like with small nooks and crannies including one area called "the Snug".

I highly recommend a walk along Nicholson Street in Abbotsford to visit these pubs to see the difference and to experience the history of inner suburban Melbourne as it was.

SO what's the rating?

no knackers - shockingly bad
one knacker - as bad as hitler because he only had on ball
two knackers - normal and average
three knackers - above and beyond the normal
four knackers - incredible
five knackers - as rare as five testicles

Today I am giving Abbotsford Pubs a rating of 3.685 knackers.

So if you have been there and want to complain leave a comment.

123 in a row

Farewell to balmy days

April 12, 2010
.VICTORIA'S balmy spell ended yesterday with the maximum temperature slipping below 20 degrees for the first time since December 8.

The temperature peaked at 17.7 degrees in Melbourne in the mid-afternoon with strong winds buffeting St Kilda about 10.30am.

Bureau of Meteorology duty officer Geoff Feren said the city had not had any cold air incursions for a long time and it was a cool day across the state with snow in the high country.

''We scored 123 days yesterday [Saturday] and we have to go back to December 8 for a temperature that went below 20 degrees,'' Mr Feren said. The previous record was 78 consecutive days above 20.

Melbourne can expect a partly cloudy day with isolated showers and winds averaging 35 km/h with a minimum of 12 degrees and maximum of 20.

I have already had it mentioned to me 5 times this morning that it is cold.. Derr.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bingle Effect Cannot Be Stopped

Now you know the theory by now. Basically Lara Bingle has an effect on things. Her latest influence has somehow impacted on her manager Max Markson.

So over the last day or so it has come to light that Max has been dodging some speeding fines. Now it may be a little coincidence that ACA and Newscorp has got stuck into Markson because of his own high profile. But, could it be due to the corporations wanting more on the whole bingle saga and he not releasing enough?

Markson worker accuses boss of deceit over fines
April 1, 2010

A FURIOUS staff member emailed the celebrity agent Max Markson on January 25 and complained that her job had ''many grey areas''. These involved not paying his speeding fines, instead waiting for a penalty to arrive for failing to nominate the driver of his company-registered BMW.

She added: ''Both you and I clearly know that you are the driver of the vehicle''.

''As you are aware,'' she said, ''this can have very serious legal ramifications for both you and me especially with the RTA cracking down on certain 'practices'. I have been doing what I have been directed by you.''

This explosive email lays bare a long-term practice at the Markson Sparks! agency, revealed by the Herald yesterday. The company spent at least $35,000 on speeding-related penalties over the past 20 months, during which speed cameras caught the BMW at least 20 times.

I guess time will tell.