Friday, December 18, 2009

Part of the Public Transport Service - Kind of

A while ago I commented on the very average taxi service in Melbourne compared to Brisbane. Well today I have a follow up post.

As I type I should be in a different office. Attending a meeting that started over 30 minutes ago via a cab that was booked yesterday. So what happened?

I and some of my colleagues just spent 45 minutes waiting for a taxi. Calls were made every 10 minutes to find out what happened. Apparently taxi services cannot guarentee a cab can be available even though it was booked a day in advance. WTF?


Lola Lopez said...

Whinging about taxis again? Next time, walk!

dam buster said...

You know what Mags it would have been quicker to walk in hindsight. But when it is a work thing they do not normally take kindly to a bunch of us strolling around. You know chargeable hours and all that.

Lola Lopez said...

Yes I know. It's funny as I was watching something the other morning regarding taxis. They spoke to a guy from London who thinks our cab service is pretty good compared to theirs.
However, you always hope that when you call a cab, it arrives not long after or at least when you order it.
I've given up on cabs- glad I've discovered the night rider bus and save myself $30 or so.

dam buster said...

What? The mini cab service there is better than ours.

It is stupid to think that you order a cab but there is no guarentee they will turn up at all. Why bother ordering one?

Lola Lopez said...

I've been caught out with ordering a cab and it not arriving. Then again, I've got ready and then rang a cab and it hasn't arrived either.
If you're in an area where you can flag one down, it seems to be a better option.
When public transport fares better, you know you're in trouble.

When are you finished work for the break Deebs??

dam buster said...

I agree on the cab thing. It was organised by someone else so could not do much about it.

Tomorrow is my last day.. Huzzah. What about yourself Mags?

Lola Lopez said...

Christmas eve is mine and I'm back next Tuesday...
How long you off for and how did your Christmas celebration go on Friday?

Lola Lopez said...

Christmas eve is mine and I'm back next Tuesday...
How long you off for and how did your Christmas celebration go on Friday?

dam buster said...

Jeebus.. Next Tuesday?
I presume your leave balance would be -ve?
I am off until the 11th of January.

Hope you dont miss me too much?

Last Fri went well thank you. Had about 12 turn up. I was half expecting the management to rake me over the coals about it but screw them. Was home early as it was an early start at 1:30pm

Lola Lopez said...

Between my surgery and time taken for Buenos Aires, it's left very little in the way of annual leave.
I'm slowly building up the days for (hopefully) a trip somewhere at year's end in 2010.
However, I've just been slammed with at $2000 medical bill so I'll be staying home and eating rice & air for a while...

dam buster said...

Ouch on the bill. Not good.

Lola Lopez said...

I wonder why I have bloody health insurance sometimes... should have risked death and gone public.. if I lived, I wouldn't have paid a cent!

dam buster said...

Ha - but you would probably be still in hospital.

Lola Lopez said...

Or I would have got cancer and died from the wait...
Okay, I guess 2 grand isn't a big deal.
I just think of it as an airfare back to Buenos Aires!

dam buster said...

That C word is not a popular one with me. But yes 2 grand could be a big screen tv, holiday, a lot of beer and porn... anything really