Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why Do I Do This To Myself?

Friday night was a big night:

Saturday was bad... Very bad.

The reason for the drinks was a going away and a good chance for a few of the old team to get together for the first time in ages. You know at the age of 35 you would think I would know better?

It was a good night (from what I can remember).


Jayne said...

"Why do I do this to myself?"
A = the liver is evil and must be punished :P

dam buster said...

My liver was certainly reminding me about it all Saturday.

Lola Lopez said...

We do it because we love it when it's happening! It's like wearing high heels- it was a good idea at the time but we wonder if the pain at the end was worth it.

dam buster said...

I will take your word on the high heels Mags!

I think the issue was compounded by coming down with a cold as well.

I have been battling it all week.

Lola Lopez said...

Yeah don't start wearing high heels on me. We need manly men. Poor you with the snotties... sorry for lack of bloggage too- I am a bit short of inspiration at the moment. Plus work has been melon farmin' busy...

dam buster said...

If I wore high heels I would be like 6ft 8 or so!

getting over snottiness.

Lola Lopez said...

Holy skyscrapers Batman. You be a tall drink o' water!

I have hangover and need more sleep. I should avoid midweek shindigs that involve alcohol.

dam buster said...

Gee Mags on a school night? that is not good form. I hope you can struggle through the day.