Monday, May 31, 2010

Knackers Rating - Pub Crawl Generator

In August some friends and I are off to Sydney for an away trip. It will include drinking, so after some google magic I came across this little gem:

The pubcrawl generator.. nice. Plug in the start and end and it gives you the pubs / bars along the way. If it had links to the hotels I would give it a higher score.

SO what's the rating?

no knackers - shockingly bad
one knacker - as bad as hitler because he only had on ball
two knackers - normal and average
three knackers - above and beyond the normal
four knackers - incredible
five knackers - as rare as five testicles

Today I am giving PubCrawl Generator a rating of 3.172 knackers.

It would have gone close to four with links to the pubs websites or review pages. Maybe they can add to it later. Bonus score for the website header "Plan your drinking without thinking".

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ahh the memories

Who can forget the cool games made into this movie.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Some days you are the Statue, some days you are the Pigeon II

Q: How do you make an 86 year old swear?


Jack Harris finds jigsaw piece missing after seven years working on puzzle

May 17, 2010 9:40AM

PATIENT Jack Harris spent seven-and-a-half years doing a 5000-piece jigsaw - only to find one piece missing.
The 86-year-old turned his house upside down but fears it was eaten by one of his family's dogs, The Sun reported.

And it has taken him so long to do the puzzle he can't buy a replacement as the manufacturers have stopped making it.

The giant jigsaw was a Christmas gift from daughter-in-law Eve in 2002.

He confidently predicted he would have the 1.5m-square monster, showing James Tissot's The Return of the Prodigal Son, completed by the following summer.

But Jack struggled and the mass of pieces dominated his dining table for more than seven years as he strived to complete it.

When he finally began putting the last pieces together he was dismayed to find he had only 4999 and a tiny hole in the middle.

Daughter-in-law Eve, who is married to Jack's son Trevor, said he was "so disappointed" when he found there was one piece missing.

She said: "We got him this one as a bit of a joke really because he always boasted he could get them done so quickly.

"He a bit of a whiz with them but there was so much to do with this.

"We'd all have a go at it each time we went to see him but it seemed to just take forever.

"It was marvellous to see it finally completed. But when we saw there was a piece missing from the middle, we just couldn't believe it."

Retired businessman Jack has a new jigsaw from his family each year and his wife Doris helped do them with him.

But she died in February 2004, leaving him to complete the marathon task on his own.

Friday, May 14, 2010

They say it is a hoax but still report it??

Why have they even put it on the news website if it is a hoax?

White woman 'gives birth to black child' after watching black porn star on 3D TV
By staff writers From: May 14, 2010 2:18PM

•Woman watching porn in 3D
•Lead role played by black man
•Site apologises for hoax

HERE'S one warning Samsung didn't put in the box for their 3D TVs.
Watching them can make you pregnant.

US woman Jennifer Johnson claims she suffered her hi-def 3D divine intervention while her soldier husband Eric was away serving in Iraq.

She said she was watching a pornographic movie with her friends when she came over "all dizzy".

A month later, she realised she was pregnant and now is the proud mother of a dark-skinned boy.

What's even more amazing is she and her husband are both white.

Ms Johnson told Techwatch that her 3D baby was "very much like the black porn star in the movie".

And if you, like most people, leap to the conclusion that Mr Johnson might be being played for a fool, think again, because he knows a scandal when he smells it.

"I see it as suspicious," he said.

"The films in 3D are very real. With today's technology, anything is possible."

It is, of course, a hoax. But it fooled many tech websites, including Gizmodo - that of the "stolen" iPhone 4G fame.

Unfortunately, it went even further.

Mediaite reports that the site that set up the hoax, Sensacionalista, was then forced to apologise to the woman and her child whose random image they grabbed off the internet to go with the false article.

“A week ago we published an article about the woman who claimed to get pregnant after watching a porn movie 3d," they posted.

"The article was fake and we used the photo that we found on the Internet.

"Unfortunatelly, the article spread around the world because some sites thought that it was real. That was not our intention.

"Sensacionalista is a small site from Brazil. We never thought that this could happen. That’s why we are asking this family to accept our sincere apology.

"That woman and her baby in the photo had nothing to do with this article. They are just a normal family trying to live they’re own lives.

"We apologize for wrongfully taking their photo and putting it in our article.

"Please, not to publish this article again and next time check what you read before you write. This site is a humor site. Nothing here is real.”

I got the email a week ago. So why is News publishing proven bullshit as "news"?

Someone is Listening

Further to my previous post regarding Ebay and Paypal I noticed this news item:

eBay sellers can drop PayPal

Two years ago, eBay made two significant moves -- it tried to mandate that sellers offer PayPal and pushed for PayPal to be the only electronic payment platform on

The second proposition drew the ire of both buyers, sellers, the ACCC and even the Reserve Bank but the first idea went through largely unchallenged.

Since then the ACCC has been investigating complaints that eBay may have engaged in conduct that could contravene the Trade Practices Act by forcing sellers to offer PayPal, its subsidiary.

"We've been looking at that requirement where eBay said sellers must offer PayPal as one of the payment methods. We've had discussions with senior people at eBay and they have agreed to drop this," ACCC chairman Graeme Samuel said.

Today, eBay announced that sellers can choose at least one of three payment methods -- PayPal, Paymate and merchant credit cards -- from July 14.

There will be no change to other forms of payment currently allowed such as cash on delivery.

Good! Now work on the international transaction rorts!

Well the rates Appear Reasonable

But i am unsure about the goose quill:

Apologies for the language. Apparently it is from 1912.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Back From Sydney

I was considering doing a knackers rating on Sydney but I think it could be a bit harsh.

If you were wondering (and I doubt you were) i have been in Syd-a-nee for work over the last few days.

What a strange place it is. Firstly i did not see the harbour or any of the sites (other than the monorail travelling overhead) in the 2 days I was there.

Secondly I can now see why Sydneysiders have no appreciation of the Melbourne Cafe scene and how to get a real coffee. There are Gloria Jeans coffee places on every corner and that is it!

So anyway i am back In Melbourne where AFL is on TV and life is ok.