Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Knackers Rating - Addams Family Pinball

After a previous post about games I got to wondering about my favourite arcade games ever.

Released in 1992 this pinball was the best seller ever and with good reason.

This pinball had it all, great variety in shots, an awesome multi-ball, clear instructions on what to do next to maximise scores, automated flippers and most importantly humour.

I spent hours playing this game and if one still survives in a pub I go to I have to play it. Last time I played one was in the Rob Roy (when it was called that) years ago. While at Uni I put a large amount of Austudy into the machines in the Carlton area.

So my Knackers rating:

no knackers - shockingly bad
one knacker - as bad as hitler because he only had on ball
two knackers - normal and average
three knackers - above and beyond the normal
four knackers - incredible
five knackers - as rare as five testicles

4.96 out of 5.00. It would get 5 out of 5 if I had a machine of my own. But at around $7,000 they do not come cheap.

My pinball top 5 would be:

1. Addams Family
2. Terminator 2
3. Getaway
4. Hook
5. Rocky and Bullwinkle

notable mention to Lethal Weapon 3.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

WTF 33 - Barking Mad

Dog given parking ticket by inspectors in Darwin

September 02, 2009 09:42am

A BLUE Heeler has been booked for illegal parking after inspectors taped a ticket to the dog's leash at a shopping centre.

The blue heeler was tied to a fence outside Darwin's Rapid Creek market when it was approached by two city council traffic wardens, the Northern Territory News reports.

One of the inspectors wrote out a ticket - and taped it to the dog's lead.

Witness Ray McEvoy said he couldn't believe his eyes.

"I watched an elderly lady and her very faithful blue heeler roll up at the market," he said.

''Then two traffic inspectors came along. They had a bit of a talk and, to my amazement, wrote out a warning infringement notice for the dog and taped it to his lead rope.''

Council spokesman Grant Fenton said a dog was considered to be ''at large'' if the owner was not there.

Here is the now homeless Blue Heeler in question:

Although looking at that he doesn't look short on a feed.